Email Marketing

Drive Results for Your Business with Email Marketing

Whether you’re looking to engage your customers, build your audience, drive sales or donations, or increase your overall brand awareness, Wingman has the online marketing expertise to help you succeed. We have partnered with Constant Contact—the leader in Small Business Marketing to help you bring all of your marketing efforts together to grow your business. Constant Contact is your single source for the marketing campaigns, contact management, and list growth tools you need in order to engage your audience.

Top Reasons to Use Email Marketing

Email marketing remains a successful marketing tactic that delivers great results—even in a world of increasing mobile and social channels. With more than 600,000 customers, Constant Contact is the leading provider of email marketing for small businesses and nonprofits. Our easy-to-use solution lets you quickly create beautiful, professional-looking emails that get meaningful results—more customers, more donors, more sales, and more revenue.

Some of the ways we can help:
Account Setup
Content Calendar Creation
List Management and Segmentation
One-on-One Product Training
Campaign Execution
Website Integrations

Let's work together.